11 Results

CWPO ICT Requirements

Please contact CWPO at local 329.

Energy Conserving Design for Buildings

What is the Energy Conserving Design for Buildings? With the enactment of Republic Act No. 11285, otherwise known as the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EE&C Act), the policy of the State towards the efficient and judicious utilization of energy has been strengthened further. Section 4 (b) of the EE&C Act mandates that all building constructions, new and building retrofits, shall comply with minimum requirements set in the Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings. These Guidelines address the need to provide energy efficiency guidance in the design and construction of buildings in the Philippines. In these updated Guidelines, technical requirements were provided based on two Building Codes that impact energy performance of buildings, i.e. the National Building Code and the Philippine Green Building Code. Obligations of building owners consistent with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act were cited in this guideline. Renewable energy systems and equipment were added in line with the Renewable Energy Act of 2008. Certain sections were also updated based on international standards, notably the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Energy Service Companies (ESCO)

Energy Service Company (ESCO) What is an ESCO? Energy Service Company (ESCO) refers to a juridical entity that offers multi-technology services and goods towards developing and designing energy efficiency projects, delivering and guaranteeing energy savings, and ensuring cost-effective and optimal performance. Their services include energy supply and management, energy financing, technical engineering expertise and consultancy, equipment supply, installation, operation, maintenance, and upgrade, and monitoring and verification of performance and savings. Their goods include lighting, motors, drives, heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, building envelope improvements, and waste heat recovery, cooling, heating, or other usable forms of energy control systems. Department Circular 2020-09-0018 The ESCO Guidelines include among others, certification requirements, review and evaluation process, and the classification of ESCOs, and states that ESCOs applying for certification must demonstrate their technical and managerial competence to design and implement energy efficiency projects, including energy audits, design engineering, providing or arranging project financing, construction management, operations and maintenance of energy efficient technologies, and verifying energy savings. The following classification is hereby introduced in the ESCO Guidelines: Registered ESCO refers to an ESCO seeking accreditation for professional services to DOE for the first time that meets the minimum of requirements on legal and technical capacity. The validity of the Certificate for Registered ESCO shall be for three (3) years. Certified ESCO refers to an ESCO which in addition to meeting the requirements of a Registered ESCO also has proven performance or results-based projects savings experience and with proven customer experiences. The validity of the Certificate of Certified ESCO shall be valid for five (5) years.


Executive Summary The 2019-2028 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) contains the one-page infographic profile of 144 out of 151 Distribution Utilities (DUs), showing the supply- demand outlook and energy requirements for the ten-year planning period. It features the Power Supply Procurement Plan, which contains the proposed schedule for the Competitive Selection Process (CSP) to be conducted by DUs to procure power supply requirements to ensure the continuous provision of electricity supply to the consumers in a least cost-manner as what was mandated by Republic Act No. 9136. For those DUs without schedule for CSP, the power supply deficit in MW shortfall for the corresponding period is indicated. This DDP also featured the 2018 actual number of customers and energy sales per customer class. It also includes comparison using percentage difference of the 2018 projection on number of customers, peak demand, electricity purchased, energy sales and system loss based on the 2018-2027 DDP versus the 2018 actual data based on the 2019-2028 DDP. In 2018, the DUs registered a peak demand of 13,899 MW and is projected to increase from 14,602 MW in 2019 to 21,300 MW in 2028 with an annual average growth rate (AAGR) of 4.36% for the ten-year planning horizon. Luzon DUs recorded the highest peak demand in 2018 at 10,279 MW while Mindanao and Visayas DUs reported peak demand of 1,835 MW and 1,785 MW, respectively. For the energy requirements, the DUs procured a total of 83,573 GWh in 2018 which is estimated to rise from 88,040 GWh in 2019 to 129,815 GWh in 2028 with an AAGR of 4.50%. Likewise, the DUs has a total energy sales of 77,409 GWh in 2018 which is seen to increase to 119,231 GWh by 2028 with an AAGR of 4.42% from its 2018 level. With regard to the number of customers, there were 19.9 million customers being served by the DUs in 2018 wherein majority at 91.97% are residential connections, commercial customers at 6.17%, industrial customers at 0.23%, and customers classified as Others accounts for the 1.62%. With an AAGR of 3.86%, customer connections is forecasted to increase from 20.1 million in 2019 to 29.0 million in 2028.


PMDD reviewed the following Reportorial Requirements: Market Operator – WESM real-time data and market results System Operator – Generator and Transmission Outages Generation Companies – Monthly Operations Report Distribution Utilities – Monthly Operations Report, Distribution Development Plan, Uniform Reportorial Requirements Retail Electricity Suppliers – Quarterly Operations Report Prepared/drafted unformed/structured templates and data definitions. Drafted Department Circular providing guidelines and adopting the enhanced Reportorial Requirements. Conducted various meetings to the internal and external stakeholders.

Organizational Structure

Electric Power Industry Management Bureau Supervises the implementation of electric power industry restructuring to establish a competitive, market-based environment, and encourage private-sector participation; ensures adequate, efficient, and reliable supply of electricity, and formulates plans, programs, and strategies relative to rural electrification Power Market Development Division Power Market Research and Development Section EPIRA Monitoring and Coordination Section Power Planning and Development Division Power Development Planning Section Transmission Development Planning Section Missionary Electrification Development Planning Section Rural Electrification Administration and Management Division Rural Electrification Systems Administration Section Rural Electrification Project Management Section Non-electrification Project Management and Administration Section Power Planning and Development Division Formulates policies, plans, and programs related to generation, transmission, distribution, and supply of electricity and ensures effective implementation thereof. Power Development Planning Prepares and updates annually the Philippine Power Development Plan (PDP). Evaluates individual plans of Generation companies National transmission company or its buyer/concessionaire Distribution utilities Suppliers of electricity; and Other entities engaged in the delivery of electricity services Prepares indicative supply and demand options based on economics and technologies with the view to ensuring greater private sector participation. Undertakes long-term national, regional and sectoral electricity demand forecasts. Ensures sufficient reserve capacities through the formulation of necessary policy recommendations in this regard. Provides power sector inputs to the Philippine Energy Plan (PEP), Regional Energy Plans (REPs), and Sectoral Energy Plans (SEPs). Monitors and assesses system development and performance in the market. Coordinates with various government agencies, electric power industry participants, consumer groups, etc. (e.g., DOF, NEDA, NEA, ERC, NPC, PSALM, TRANSCO, various IPPs, Meralco, ECs) on matters related to the above-enumerated functions. Assists in the PEP, REP, and SEP consultations. Provides secretariat support to various activities relating to the power sector. Performs Ad Hoc functions as may be assigned. Transmission Development Planning Evaluates and recommend approval of the Transmission Development Plan (TDP) of Transco or its buyer/concessionaire. Formulates policy recommendations on transmission expansions. Represents the department in the following: Grid Management Committee (Grid Code) Distribution Management Committee (Distribution Code) Transco Board Technical Working Group NP-Contracts Awards Committee Consolidates regional and sectoral inputs relating to the transmission plan. Monitors and assesses the transmission operations, system development, and performance in the market. Coordinates with various government agencies, electric power industry participants, consumer groups, etc. (e.g., DOF, NEDA, ERC, NPC, PSALM, Transco, various IPPs, Meralco, ECs) on matters related to the above-enumerated functions. Performs Ad Hoc functions as may be assigned. Missionary Electrification Development Planning Evaluates and update annually the Missionary Electrification Development Plan (MEDP). Formulates policy recommendations on the sufficiency of the supply of electricity in off-grid areas. Prepares indicative supply and demand options based on economics and technologies in off-grid areas. Formulates policy recommendations on missionary electrification and off-grid connections. Coordinates the planning of missionary electrification projects. Evaluates the missionary electrification projects of NPC-Small Power Utilities Group (NPC-SPUG) and other parties operating in off-grid areas. Provides power sector inputs to the Philippine Energy Plan (PEP), Regional Energy Plans (REPs), and Sectoral Energy Plans (SEPs). Coordinates with various government agencies, electric power industry participants, consumer groups, etc. (e.g., DOF, NEDA, NEA, ERC, NPC, PSALM, Transco, various IPPs, Meralco, ECs) on matters related to the above-enumerated functions. Provides secretariat support to various activities relating to missionary electrification. Performs Ad Hoc functions as may be assigned. Power Market Development Division Formulates Policies, plans, and programs related to the development of the Philippine power market and ensures the effective and sustainable operation of competitive national and regional electricity markets Power Marketing Research and Development Oversees and implements the Philippine Wholesale electricity spot market (WESM) Formulates policy recommendations relating to sustainable electricity market transformation Evaluates and monitor the performance of the electricity market Undertakes research and studies to further develop and strengthen the Philippine electricity market Implements and facilitates technical assistance projects related to the WESM Represents the department in the ff. inter-agency committees: WESM technical working groups NEDA technical working committees relating to power (NEED BASIS) Provides secretariat support to the WESM technical working groups Coordinates with various government agencies, electric power industry participants, consumer groups, ETC. (E.G., DOF, NEDA, NEA, ERC, NPC, PSALM, TRANSCO, VARIOUS IPPs, MERALCO, ECs) on matters related to the above-enumerated functions Performs AD HOC functions as may be assigned EPIRA Monitoring and Coordination Evaluates and monitor EPIRA implementation and compliance of electric power industry participants (government and private sector entities) Evaluates submissions of various agencies relating to the reportorial requirements of the joint congressional power commission (JCPC) Prepares BI-annual reports to the JCPC on EPIRA implementation and compliance Formulates policy recommendations to ensure effective implementation of the restructuring objectives Implements and facilitates technical assistance projects related to EPIRA Coordinates with various government agencies, electric power industry participants, consumer groups, ETC. (E.G., DOF, NEDA, NEA, ERC, NPC, PSALM, TRANSCO, VARIOUS IPPs, MERALCO, ECs) on matters related to the above-enumerated functions Provides secretariat support to the EPIRA implementation steering committee and JCPC meetings Performs AD HOC functions as may be assigned Rural Electrification Administration and Management Division Formulates policies, plans, and programs related to the department's thrust to total energization of the country and provision of financial benefits to host communities and ensures effective implementation thereof. Rural Electrification Systems Administration Formulates policy recommendations on the rural electrification thrust of the department including the enhancement of private sector participation in off-grid areas. Prepares integrated rural electrification plans and programs including missionary electrification. Assists in the preparation of PDP and MEDP Evaluated the annual distribution plan of the National Electrification Administration (NEA). Undertakes policy research and studies relating to rural electrification. Coordinates with the concerned DOE units in the promotion and implementation of renewable energy projects for rural electrification. Formulates criteria for Qualified Third Parties (QTPs) Coordinates and cooperates with the concerned DOE units in implementing rural electrification nationwide. Performs Ad Hoc functions as may be assigned. Rural Electrification Project Management Oversees the implementation and management of rural electrification/missionary electrification projects funded through Rule 29 of EPIRA Implementing Rules and Regulations (ER 1-94) and DOE electrification budget. Evaluates proposals for electrification projects funded through Rule 29 of EPIRA Implementing Rules and Regulations (ER 1-94) and DOE electrification budget. Conducts technical inspections of all rural electrification projects for funding under ER 1-94 Undertakes Information and Education Campaigns on Rule 29 of EPIRA Implementing Rules and Regulations (ER 1-94) relating to electrification. Coordinates with generation companies and/or energy resource developers for the effective implementation and compliance with Rule 29 of EPIRA Implementing Rules and Regulations (ER 1-94). Coordinates with various government agencies, electric power industry participants, consumer groups, etc. (e.g. NEA, ERC, NPC-SPUG, PSALM, TRANSCO, various IPPs, and their Community Relations (COMRELs) Officers, Meralco, ECs) on matters related to the above-enumerated functions. Performs Ad Hoc functions as may be assigned. Nonelectrification Project Management and Administration Formulates policy recommendations on the implementation of Rule 29 of EPIRA Implementing Rules and Regulations (ER 1-94) relating to developmental, livelihood, watershed management, health, and environmental enhancement projects (Non-Electrification Projects). Oversees the implementation and management of nonelectrification projects. Evaluates proposals for nonelectrification projects funded through Rule 29 of EPIRA Implementing Rules and Regulations (ER 1-94). Conducts technical inspections of all nonelectrification projects for funding under ER 1-94. Undertakes information and education campaigns on Rule 29 of EPIRA Implementing Rules and Regulations (ER 1-94) relating to nonelectrification projects. Provides inputs in the preparation of PEP/PDP. Coordinates with various government agencies, electric power industry participants, consumer groups, etc. (e.g., NEA, ERC, NGOs, Legislators, LGUs, various IPPs and their community relations (COMRELs) Officers, etc.) on matters related to the above-enumerated functions. Performs Ad Hoc functions as may be assigned

CSP Bid Bulletin

Distribution Utility Demand (MW) Energy (MWh) Contract Period DU CSP Stage Date Posted PDF file AEC Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 4 13 MW 10 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 24, 2021 PDF icon SBB No. 04 AEC-CSP-RPS-2021-01.pdf SOCOTECO II Pre-Bid Conference SOCOTECO II CSP for the procurement of At Least 85,000 MWh Dispatchable Energy 1. 1st Pre-Bid Conference December 15, 2021, 9:00 AM Note: Pre-condition of A.P.O.R. to quarantine policy of L.G.U. 2. Issuance of Bid Bulletin/s, if any January 4, 2022 3. Deadline for Eligibility Requirements and Submission of Bids ("Bid Submission Deadline") January 18, 2022, 9:00 AM via SOCOTECO II Portal At least 85,000 MWh Dispatchable Energy End of Year 2022 assuming ERC approval of the PSA for 15 years from start of commercial operation Pre-Bid Conference November 18, 2021 PDF icon SOCOTECOII CSP INVITATION-FINAL-TPBACv2.pdf SOCOTECO II Invitation to Bid SOCOTECO II CSP for the procurement of At Least 85,000 MWh Dispatchable Energy 1. Invitation to Bid 2. Availability of Documents November 29, 2021 to December 14, 2021 via SOCOTECO II Portal Note: Pre-condition compliance must be submitted and paid 3. Deadline of Submission of Comments and Questions on the Bid December 14, 2021 At least 85,000 MWh Dispatchable Energy End of Year 2022 assuming ERC approval of the PSA for 15 years from start of commercial operation Invitation to Bid November 18, 2021 PDF icon SOCOTECOII CSP INVITATION-FINAL-TPBACv2.pdf DECORP Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 1 20 MW 10 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 18, 2021 PDF icon decorp-bid-bulletin-csp.pdf AEC Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 3 Queries from Potential Bidders addressed by the TPBAC With additional SBB as of 24 November 2021 13 MW 10 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 16, 2021 PDF icon Responses to AEC RPS Peaking_BGI Consolidated Comments (No.3).pdf PDF icon Responses to AEC RPS Peaking_BGI Consolidated Comments (No.4) 2021.11.15.pdf PDF icon Responses to PAVI Green_List of Queries_for AEC CSP 11.3.21.pdf PDF icon Responses to SNAP-BI_Comments and Clarifications_11.04.2021.pdf PDF icon SBB No. 03 AEC-CSP-RPS-2021-01.pdf MERALCO Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 5 and 6 70 MW 20 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 15, 2021 PDF icon MERALCO TPBAC Submission to DOE of BB5and6 70MWCSP-2-27.pdf AEC Supplemental Bid Bulletin Queries from Potential Bidders addressed by the TPBAC 13 MW 10 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 10, 2021 PDF icon QUERIES_BGI Consolidated Additional Comments with Responses.pdf PDF icon QUERIES_SNAP-BI additional comments with Responses.pdf QUIRELCO Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 12 Detailed Evaluation of Technical and Financial Bids November 5-11, 2021 Issuance of Result of the Detailed Evaluation of Technical and Financial Bids November 12, 2021 Post Qualification of Lowest Calculated Bidder November 15-18, 2021 Issuance of Notice of Award to Winning Bidder November 22, 2021 15 MW 5 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 9, 2021 PDF icon SBB No.2021-12.pdf AEC Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 2 13 MW 10 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 5, 2021 PDF icon SBB No. 02 AEC-CSP-RPS-2021-01.pdf PDF icon 01 AEC-RPS-CSP-TOR (As Amended on 4.Nov_.2021).pdf PDF icon Response to AC Energy 2nd Set of Queries.pdf PDF icon Response to PAVI Green_List of Queries_10.26.21.pdf PDF icon Response to SNAP-BI Queries.pdf MERALCO Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supplemental Bid Bulletin Nos. 3 and 4 70 MW 20 years Supplemental Bid Bulletin November 3, 2021 PDF icon DOE BB3 and BB4_70MWCSP-2-28.pdf

DC 2021-09-0029


1st Conventional Energy Bid Round for BARMM and 2024 Philippine Energy Bid Round to be launched

Four (4) Pre-Determined Areas (PDAs) shall be offered for investment, exploration, development and production of the BARMM's indigenous resources, as mandated by the Intergovernmental Energy Board (IEB). “This is another milestone for the Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Administration in advancing the development of the BARMM, following the landmark signing of the Intergovernmental Energy Board (IEB) Circular on the Joint Award of Petroleum Service Contract (PSCs) and Coal Operating Contracts (COCs) in the BARMM area in July 2023,” Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla said. “The resources identified in the BARMM area are enormous assets that we can fully develop. As we go another step forward to harnessing these assets, our aspirations for promoting economic growth, generating employment opportunities, and nurture a thriving business landscape in the region are even closer to realization,” the Secretary added. The IEB Circular on the Joint Award of PSCs and COCs in the BARMM was signed on 06 July 2023. It operationalizes the provision under Section 10, Article XIII of Republic Act No. 11054 or the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region to jointly grant rights, privileges, and concessions for the exploration, development, and utilization of uranium and fossil fuels such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal within the territorial jurisdiction of the Bangsamoro.