25 Results

EPIMB Mandate and Function

Electric Power Industry Management Bureau Supervises the implementation of electric power industry restructuring to establish a competitive, market-based environment, and encourage private-sector participation; ensures adequate, efficient and reliable supply of electricity, and formulates plans, programs and strategies relative to rural electrification Power Market Development Division Power Market Research and Development Section EPIRA Monitoring and Coordination Section Power Planning and Development Division Power Development Planning Section Transmission Development Planning Section Missionary Electrification Development Planning Section Rural Electrification Administration and Management Division Rural Electrification Systems Administration Section Rural Electrification Project Management Section Non-electrification Project Management and Administration Section



ERDB Mandate and Functions

ERDB Mandate and Functions

OIMB Mandate and Functions

OIMB Mandate and Functions

EPIMB related announcements

EPIMB related announcements

EPPB Mandate and Functions

EPPB Mandate and Functions

EPIMB Citizen’s Charter

EPIMB Citizen’s Charter

Mandate and Functions

Renewable Energy Management Bureau Formulate and implement policies, plans and programs related to the accelerated development, transformation, utilization and commercialization of renewable energy resources including emerging energy technologies NREB Technical Services and Management Division Provide support to the operations of the national renewable energy board and will serve as a one-step shop for RE Biomass Energy Management Division Formulate and implement policies, plans and programs related to the accelerated development, transformation, utilization and commercialization of biomass energy resources including emerging energy technologies Hydropower & Ocean Energy management Division Formulate and implement policies, plans and programs related to the accelerated development, transformation, utilization and commercialization of hydropower and ocean energy resources including emerging energy technologies Geothermal Energy Management Division Formulate and implement policies, plans and programs related to the accelerated development, transformation, utilization and commercialization of geothermal energy resources Solar & Wind Energy Management Division Formulate and implement policies, plans and programs related to the accelerated development, transformation, utilization and commercialization of solar and wind energy resources Shape Solar Wind Energy Management Division Policy and Technology Section Develop, formulate and implement solar and wind (S & W) policies, plans and programs, as part of the NREP, to accelerate the development, transformation, utilization and commercialization of SW resources and technologies; Monitors and evaluates the implementation of the S & W plans, programs, projects, activities, laws, regulations and similar issuances; Assists in administering the implementation of existing S & W laws, regulations and similar issuances; Coordinates with various government agencies, LGUs, academe, NGOs, private sector and other stakeholders on matters related to the development and implementation of S & W policy, plans and programs; Conduct energy technology and policy research and development activities for the development of sustainable S & W systems; Develops and spearheads the implementation of local and/or foreign-assisted S & W projects and activities; Operates and maintains a computerized national S & W energy database; Conducts S & W energy resource assessment and mapping; and Performs Ad Hoc functions as maybe assigned. Promotion and Commercialization Section Develop and implement SW promotion and commercialization policies, plans and sub-programs, as part of the SW program, to promote the commercialization/application of SW resources and technologies; Monitors and evaluates the commercial operation of S & W power and non-power facilities and projects; Spearheads in administering the implementation of existing S & W laws, regulations and similar issuances; Coordinates with various government agencies, LGUs, academe, NGOs, private sector and other stakeholders on matters related to the S & W promotion and commercialization program; Conduct research and development activities on the economic and financial efficiencies and effectiveness of SW systems; Assists in the implementation of local and/or foreign-assisted S & W projects and activities; Operates and maintains a computerized national S & W energy database; and Perform Ad Hoc functions as maybe assigned. Geothermal Energy Management Division Resource and Technology development & Evaluation Section Formulate, develop and evaluate programs and policies that will enhance the technical and economic competitiveness of geothermal technologies including technology innovations; Conduct hydrologic, geological, topographic, oceanographic and economic survey, feasibility studies and research programs to assess the country's geothermal resource potentials; Maintain a database inventory of geothermal potential and update regularly for commercialization and utilization purposes (e.g., maps, matrix and ranking of ocean and hydropower sites); Conduct socio-economic and environmental impact studies on geothermal development and recommend mitigating measures to lessen harmful effects to the environment; Provide technical assistance and sustainable solutions in relation to development and operation of geothermal facilities; Conduct seminars, training courses, technical briefing, fora, workshops, focus group discussions and tri-media campaigns to facilitate information dissemination and capacity building to geothermal technologies; and Perform ADHOC functions as maybe assigned. Evaluation, Registration and Monitoring Section Formulate policies and oversee the implementation of policies, guidelines and standards that will govern the geothermal development thrust of the government including enhancement of private sector participation; Supervise and monitor activities of government and private institutions on geothermal projects and provide guidance for better understanding of government's regulatory functions, policies and programs in relation to utilization and commercialization of geothermal resources; Maintain a database inventory of geothermal facilities for monitoring and developing geothermal generation statistics (e.g., energy mix, generation mix, etc.); Conduct socio-economic and environmental impact studies on the operation of geothermal system and recommend mitigating measures to lessen harmful effects to the environment; Issue registration and accreditation of RE equipment manufacturers, fabricators and suppliers; Coordinate with various government agencies, LGUs, Academe, NGOs, private sector and other stakeholders on matters related to the above enumerated functions; Conduct seminars, training courses, technical briefings, fora, workshops, focus group discussions and tri-media campaigns to facilitate information dissemination and capacity building to geothermal technologies; and Perform ADHOC functions as maybe assigned. Biomass Energy Management Division Technology Development Management Section Formulate policy recommendations and implement plans and programs for the effective utilization, promotion and commercialization of biomass including biofuels energy technologies; Undertake policy research and studies for the development and application of new and emerging biomass/biofuels energy technologies; Design, recommend and implement institutional, legislative and economic incentive packages to support sustainability of biomass/biofuels programs; Establish international linkages with various entities involved in the implementation of biomass/biofuels energy programs; Develop and spearhead the implementation of local and/or foreign-assisted projects and activities; Coordinate with concerned government agencies, LGUs, academe, NGOs, private sector and other stakeholders on matters related to the development and implementation of biomass/biofuels policy, plans and programs; Conduct seminars, training courses, technical briefings, fora, workshops, focus group discussions and tri-media campaigns to facilitate information dissemination and capacity building to biomass/biofuels resources and technologies; Provide inputs in the preparation of the PEP; and Perform ADHOC functions as maybe assigned. Evaluation, Registration and Monitoring Section Conduct technical and economic evaluation of biomass/biofuels' energy technologies including new and emerging technologies for local application; Develop project proposals on biomass/biofuels' new and emerging energy technologies for local application; Evaluate/grant service contract agreements and/or accreditation of biomass/biofuels' projects and facilities, suppliers, fabricators and manufacturers; Implement, monitor, and promote the commercial and technical operation of biomass power, fuel and non-power facilities and projects; Provide technical and extension advice in the form of project evaluation, project packaging and fund sourcing and access to technical information on biomass/biofuels' energy technologies; Coordinate the development of standards for the local adaption of biomass-derived fuels with concerned government agencies and private sectors; Coordinate the pilot testing of emerging biomass/biofuels energy technologies with interested private sector/potential investor; Develop and maintain information systems on biomass/biofuels energy resources and technologies; Provide technical/secretariat support for inter-agency committees undertaking the above-mentioned activities; and Perform Ad Hoc functions as may be assigned. Hydropower and Ocean Energy Management Division Resource and Technology Development Section Formulate, develop and evaluate programs and policies that will enhance the technical and economic competitiveness of ocean and hydropower technologies including technology innovations; Conduct hydrologic, geological, topographic, oceanographic and economic surveys, feasibility studies and research programs to assess the country's ocean and hydropower resource potentials; Maintain a database inventory of ocean and hydropower potential and update regularly for commercialization and utilization purposes (e.g., maps, matrix and ranking of ocean and hydropower sites); Conducts socio-economic and environmental impact studies on ocean and hydropower development and recommends mitigating measures to lessen harmful effects to the environment; Provide technical assistance and sustainable solutions in relation to development and operation of ocean and hydropower facilities; Conduct seminars, training courses, technical briefing, fora, workshops, focus group discussions and tri0-media campaigns to facilitate information dissemination and capacity building to ocean and hydropower technologies; and Perform Ad Hoc functions as maybe assigned; Evaluation, Registration and Monitoring Formulate policies and oversee the implementation of policies, guidelines and standards that will govern the ocean and hydropower development thrust of the government including enhancement of private sector participation; Supervise and monitor activities of government and private institutions on ocean and hydropower projects and provide guidance for better understanding of government's regulatory functions, policies and programs in relation to utilization and commercialization of ocean and hydropower resources; Maintain a database inventory of ocean and hydropower facilities for monitoring and developing ocean and hydropower generation statistics (e.g., energy mix, generation mix, etc.); Conduct socio-economic and environmental impact studies on operation of ocean and hydropower system and recommend mitigating measures to lessen harmful effects to the environment; Issue registration and accreditation of RE equipment manufacturers, fabricators and suppliers; Coordinate with various government agencies, LGUs, Academe, NGOs, private sector and other stakeholders on matters related to the above enumerated functions; Conducts seminars, training courses, technical briefings, fora, workshops, focus group discussions and tri-media campaigns to facilitate information dissemination and capacity building to ocean and hydropower technologies; and Perform Ad Hoc functions as maybe assigned; National Renewable Energy Board - Technical Services and Management Division Administrative Section Arrange special and/or periodic meetings of the National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) by sending invitations to NREB members, resource persons and parties concerned to ensure quorum and/or attendance. Prepare minutes and proceedings including the recording of documents and various issues raised during board deliberation for reference and information; Information and Technical Research Section Conduct research activities on advanced technological and market development applications through the internet and/or information exchange systems to enhance technical information which could be used by the Board; Provide technical support to the operation of the RE One-Stop-Shop Center to accelerate the approval of RE Service Contract and hasten project development; Renewable Energy Registrar Section Review of RPS Rules and makes appropriate recommendations in line with the objectives of R.A. 9513; Monitor the implementation of and compliance by industry participants with RPS Rules promulgated by the DOE;

EUMB Mandate and Functions

Energy Utilization Management Bureau Formulates and implements policies, plans, programs and regulations on new energy technologies, alternative fuels and the efficient, economical transformation, marketing and distribution of conventional and renewable energy resources, and ensures efficient and judicious utilization of conventional and renewable energy resources Alternative Fuels and Energy Technology Division Formulating policies, plans, and programs related to alternative fuels and new and advanced energy technologies’ development towards socially and environmentally responsive and effective utilization of energy resources; and Developing and managing the alternative fuels and energy technology program. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program Management and Technology Promotion Division Evaluating energy efficiency and conservation technologies. Promoting the increased utilization of energy efficient products. Preparing all reports for submission to other government agencies as required by law; and Developing a comprehensive information, education, and communication strategy for public awareness on energy efficiency programs and energy efficient products. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Public Sector Management Division Coordinating with the LGUs and the NEECCO to ensure consistency with the NEECP. Providing technical assistance to LGUs and other government agencies. Enhancing, expanding, and developing the GEMP; and Providing technical support to the IAEECC and acting as its Secretariat. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Performance Regulation and Enforcement Division Spearheading the creation of the NEECD in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Formulating, developing, and updating the MEP, energy labeling, and other programs indicated herein: and Enforcing the programs under this Act and its IRR, such as the MEP and energy labeling.

LFO Mandate and Functions

Implements regional policies, plans, programs, and regulations of the department relating to energy resources exploration and development, its judicious and efficient utilization, ensures adequate, efficient, and reliable supply of electricity and monitors the development in the downstream oil industry, development and utilization of renewable energy (RE) resources such as geothermal, hydro, ocean, biomass, solar, and wind with due regard to the environment and sustainable development in Luzon.

Mandate and Functions

Implement regional policies, plans, programs and regulations of the Department relating to energy resources exploration and development, its judicious and efficient utilization that ensures adequate, efficient, and reliable supply of electricity and monitors the development in the downstream oil industry, development and utilization of the renewable energy resources with due regard to the environment and sustainable development in the Visayas.

DOE mandates higher biodiesel blend beginning October 2024

Following the recommendations by the National Biofuels Board (NBB), the Department of Energy has released guidelines for adopting a higher biofuels blend. This move aims to decrease dependence on imported fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and bolster the local biodiesel and bioethanol sectors.

MFO Mandate and Functions

Implements regional policies, plans, programs and regulations of the department relating to energy resource exploration and development, judicious and efficient utilization of energy resource, ensures adequate, efficient and reliable supply of electricity, and monitors development in the downstream oil industry with due regard to the environment and sustainable energy development in Mindanao

Department Circular

Department Circular Published at: The Manila Times and The Philippine Star Date Published [mm/dd/yyyy]: 10/06/2017 Adopting the Philippine Conventional Energy Contracting Program (PCECP) of Awarding Coal Operating Contracts (COC) and Creating the Review and Evaluation Committee(REC) Repealing for this Purpose Department Circular No. DC2014-02-0005 and Department Order No. DO2014-08-0017 WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 7638, as amended, otherwise known as "The Department of Energy (DOE) Act of 1992", mandates the Department of Energy (DOE) to prepare, integrate, corrdinate, supervise and control all plans, programs, projects and activities of the Government relative to energy exploration, development, utilization, distribution, and conservation; Click to view/download Department Circular No. DC2017-09-0010

Energy Conserving Design for Buildings

What is the Energy Conserving Design for Buildings? With the enactment of Republic Act No. 11285, otherwise known as the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EE&C Act), the policy of the State towards the efficient and judicious utilization of energy has been strengthened further. Section 4 (b) of the EE&C Act mandates that all building constructions, new and building retrofits, shall comply with minimum requirements set in the Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings. These Guidelines address the need to provide energy efficiency guidance in the design and construction of buildings in the Philippines. In these updated Guidelines, technical requirements were provided based on two Building Codes that impact energy performance of buildings, i.e. the National Building Code and the Philippine Green Building Code. Obligations of building owners consistent with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act were cited in this guideline. Renewable energy systems and equipment were added in line with the Renewable Energy Act of 2008. Certain sections were also updated based on international standards, notably the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).


Executive Summary The 2019-2028 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) contains the one-page infographic profile of 144 out of 151 Distribution Utilities (DUs), showing the supply- demand outlook and energy requirements for the ten-year planning period. It features the Power Supply Procurement Plan, which contains the proposed schedule for the Competitive Selection Process (CSP) to be conducted by DUs to procure power supply requirements to ensure the continuous provision of electricity supply to the consumers in a least cost-manner as what was mandated by Republic Act No. 9136. For those DUs without schedule for CSP, the power supply deficit in MW shortfall for the corresponding period is indicated. This DDP also featured the 2018 actual number of customers and energy sales per customer class. It also includes comparison using percentage difference of the 2018 projection on number of customers, peak demand, electricity purchased, energy sales and system loss based on the 2018-2027 DDP versus the 2018 actual data based on the 2019-2028 DDP. In 2018, the DUs registered a peak demand of 13,899 MW and is projected to increase from 14,602 MW in 2019 to 21,300 MW in 2028 with an annual average growth rate (AAGR) of 4.36% for the ten-year planning horizon. Luzon DUs recorded the highest peak demand in 2018 at 10,279 MW while Mindanao and Visayas DUs reported peak demand of 1,835 MW and 1,785 MW, respectively. For the energy requirements, the DUs procured a total of 83,573 GWh in 2018 which is estimated to rise from 88,040 GWh in 2019 to 129,815 GWh in 2028 with an AAGR of 4.50%. Likewise, the DUs has a total energy sales of 77,409 GWh in 2018 which is seen to increase to 119,231 GWh by 2028 with an AAGR of 4.42% from its 2018 level. With regard to the number of customers, there were 19.9 million customers being served by the DUs in 2018 wherein majority at 91.97% are residential connections, commercial customers at 6.17%, industrial customers at 0.23%, and customers classified as Others accounts for the 1.62%. With an AAGR of 3.86%, customer connections is forecasted to increase from 20.1 million in 2019 to 29.0 million in 2028.


The DEPDMS is the EPIMB’s tool for monitoring the performance of the electric power industry participants, and to be used for policy formulation and studies, which include but not limited to the following: Data analysis for evidence-based policy formulation; Conduct of simulations for the assessment of market rules change proposals and other issues related to the power industry; and Generation of regular/periodic reports.

1st Conventional Energy Bid Round for BARMM and 2024 Philippine Energy Bid Round to be launched

Four (4) Pre-Determined Areas (PDAs) shall be offered for investment, exploration, development and production of the BARMM's indigenous resources, as mandated by the Intergovernmental Energy Board (IEB). “This is another milestone for the Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Administration in advancing the development of the BARMM, following the landmark signing of the Intergovernmental Energy Board (IEB) Circular on the Joint Award of Petroleum Service Contract (PSCs) and Coal Operating Contracts (COCs) in the BARMM area in July 2023,” Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla said. “The resources identified in the BARMM area are enormous assets that we can fully develop. As we go another step forward to harnessing these assets, our aspirations for promoting economic growth, generating employment opportunities, and nurture a thriving business landscape in the region are even closer to realization,” the Secretary added. The IEB Circular on the Joint Award of PSCs and COCs in the BARMM was signed on 06 July 2023. It operationalizes the provision under Section 10, Article XIII of Republic Act No. 11054 or the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region to jointly grant rights, privileges, and concessions for the exploration, development, and utilization of uranium and fossil fuels such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal within the territorial jurisdiction of the Bangsamoro.