39 Results

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets or Gasoline Stations

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets or Gasoline Stations

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets/ Gasoline Stations

List of Liquid Fuels Retail Outlets/ Gasoline Stations with Valid Certificate of Compliance (COC) in Regions

Registered LPG Retail Outlets

Registered LPG Retail Outlets

LPG Auto LPG Prices

LPG Auto LPG Prices

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets and Gasoline Stations

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets and Gasoline Stations

Vicinity Map - Mindanao

Vicinity Map - Mindanao

Retail Pump Prices

Put Dummy Content

Apply for Certification of Hauler

Issuance of Certification for Hauler (Retail Outlet-Own Use)


Executive Summary The 2019-2028 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) contains the one-page infographic profile of 144 out of 151 Distribution Utilities (DUs), showing the supply- demand outlook and energy requirements for the ten-year planning period. It features the Power Supply Procurement Plan, which contains the proposed schedule for the Competitive Selection Process (CSP) to be conducted by DUs to procure power supply requirements to ensure the continuous provision of electricity supply to the consumers in a least cost-manner as what was mandated by Republic Act No. 9136. For those DUs without schedule for CSP, the power supply deficit in MW shortfall for the corresponding period is indicated. This DDP also featured the 2018 actual number of customers and energy sales per customer class. It also includes comparison using percentage difference of the 2018 projection on number of customers, peak demand, electricity purchased, energy sales and system loss based on the 2018-2027 DDP versus the 2018 actual data based on the 2019-2028 DDP. In 2018, the DUs registered a peak demand of 13,899 MW and is projected to increase from 14,602 MW in 2019 to 21,300 MW in 2028 with an annual average growth rate (AAGR) of 4.36% for the ten-year planning horizon. Luzon DUs recorded the highest peak demand in 2018 at 10,279 MW while Mindanao and Visayas DUs reported peak demand of 1,835 MW and 1,785 MW, respectively. For the energy requirements, the DUs procured a total of 83,573 GWh in 2018 which is estimated to rise from 88,040 GWh in 2019 to 129,815 GWh in 2028 with an AAGR of 4.50%. Likewise, the DUs has a total energy sales of 77,409 GWh in 2018 which is seen to increase to 119,231 GWh by 2028 with an AAGR of 4.42% from its 2018 level. With regard to the number of customers, there were 19.9 million customers being served by the DUs in 2018 wherein majority at 91.97% are residential connections, commercial customers at 6.17%, industrial customers at 0.23%, and customers classified as Others accounts for the 1.62%. With an AAGR of 3.86%, customer connections is forecasted to increase from 20.1 million in 2019 to 29.0 million in 2028.


PMDD reviewed the following Reportorial Requirements: Market Operator – WESM real-time data and market results System Operator – Generator and Transmission Outages Generation Companies – Monthly Operations Report Distribution Utilities – Monthly Operations Report, Distribution Development Plan, Uniform Reportorial Requirements Retail Electricity Suppliers – Quarterly Operations Report Prepared/drafted unformed/structured templates and data definitions. Drafted Department Circular providing guidelines and adopting the enhanced Reportorial Requirements. Conducted various meetings to the internal and external stakeholders.


The DOE Electric Power Database Management System (DEPDMS) is a relational and analytical database for the effective and efficient acquisition, warehousing, and management of various data/information related to electric power industry participants, which include generation companies, distribution utilities, retail electricity suppliers, market operator and system operator. It is a combination of computer servers and software (MS SQL and Tableau) which are maintained by PMDD and ITMS.

Downstream Natural Gas

Downstream Natural Gas The birth of the Philippine natural gas industry brings the country closer to its goal of harnessing environment friendly fuels to ensure a stable, diverse and secure energy supply. However, the growth of this industry is anchored on the development of additional gas-generated capacity, other non-power applications and the necessary infrastructure that is to bring the natural gas to its potential markets. The infrastructure includes the appropriate pipeline transmission and distribution networks, LNG terminals and facilities, gas refilling stations for CNG-run vehicles and ancillary facilities. In the absence of the law for the natural gas sector, the stage for the industry’s development has been set with the preparation of a gas policy framework, industry rules and regulations. A clear and concise policies, objectives, programs and strategies formulated by the DOE, together with the critical cooperation and participation of the private sector, development of a natural gas industry is ensured. While there is still much to be done, the DOE will be at the forefront of efforts to rally the participants in this new industry to success. STUDIES: Consultation on the Phase 2 Report of the Philippine Natural Gas Master Plan First Report of the Natural Gas Master Plan Study on Collecting Information and Verification on Promotion of Utilization of Clean Energy Sources (JICA, December 2011) Mindanao Natural Gas Market Development Strategy (Final Report)

Department Circulars

Department Circulars Department Circular No. DC2017-05-0009 entitled "Declaring the Launch of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) In Mindanao And Providing For Transition Guidelines" Summary of Comments and Responses on the Launch of WESM in Mindanao Draft Department Circular entitled "Establishing Mindanao Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Transition Committee"

Electric Power

What's New Private Sector - Initiated Power Projects as of August 31, 2022 PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY, 7 OCTOBER 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Committed) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Committed Power Projects as of August 31, 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Indicative) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Indicative Power Projects as of August 31, 2022 List of Existing Power Plants as of August 31, 2022 PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY, 7 OCTOBER 2022 2022 List of Existing Power Plants per Grid Luzon Visayas Mindanao 2022 List of Existing Power Plants in Grid areas for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao 2022 Installed and Dependable Capacity Mix Luzon Visayas Mindanao Off Grid Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary Off Grid Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary Grid and Off Grid List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the Energy Regulatory Commission for Certificate of Compliance (COC) as of September 2022 PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, 6 OCTOBER 2022 List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the Energy Regulatory Commission for Certificate of Compliance (COC) as of September 2022 List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines for Clearance to Undertake System Impact Study as of September 2022 PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, 6 OCTOBER 2022 List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines for Clearance to Undertake System Impact Study as of September 2022 Private Sector - Initiated Power Projects as of July 31, 2022 PUBLISHED ON TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Committed) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Committed Power Projects as of July 31, 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Indicative) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Indicative Power Projects as of July 31, 2022

Apply for COC - Dummy

Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (COC) for Liquid Fuels Retail Outlet (LFROs)

MFO Mandate and Functions

Implements regional policies, plans, programs and regulations of the department relating to energy resource exploration and development, judicious and efficient utilization of energy resource, ensures adequate, efficient and reliable supply of electricity, and monitors development in the downstream oil industry with due regard to the environment and sustainable energy development in Mindanao

Philippine Power Situation

What's New Private Sector - Initiated Power Projects as of August 31, 2022 PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY, 7 OCTOBER 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Committed) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Committed Power Projects as of August 31, 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Indicative) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Indicative Power Projects as of August 31, 2022 List of Existing Power Plants as of August 31, 2022 PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY, 7 OCTOBER 2022 2022 List of Existing Power Plants per Grid Luzon Visayas Mindanao 2022 List of Existing Power Plants in Grid areas for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao 2022 Installed and Dependable Capacity Mix Luzon Visayas Mindanao Off Grid Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary Off Grid Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary Grid and Off Grid List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the Energy Regulatory Commission for Certificate of Compliance (COC) as of September 2022 PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, 6 OCTOBER 2022 List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the Energy Regulatory Commission for Certificate of Compliance (COC) as of September 2022 List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines for Clearance to Undertake System Impact Study as of September 2022 PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, 6 OCTOBER 2022 List of Companies Issued with Certificate of Endorsement to the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines for Clearance to Undertake System Impact Study as of September 2022 Private Sector - Initiated Power Projects as of July 31, 2022 PUBLISHED ON TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Committed) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Committed Power Projects as of July 31, 2022 2022 Private Sector Initiated Power Projects (Indicative) Luzon Visayas Mindanao Summary of Indicative Power Projects as of July 31, 2022

Power Supply Procurement Plan

Year Grid Region Distribution Utility PDF File 2021-2030 Luzon Region 5 FICELCO [Accepted] PSPP Word Palumbanes.pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao CARAGA SURNECO SURNECO_2021-2030_PSPP-SIIG (Hikdop Island).pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao CARAGA SURNECO SURNECO_2021-2030_PSPP-S4R (Nonoc Island).pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao CARAGA SURNECO SURNECO_2021-2030_PSPP-Grid.pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao CARAGA SIARELCO SIARELCO_2021-2030_PSPP.pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao Region 12 SOCOTECO II SOCOTECO II_2021-2030_PSPP.pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao Region 9 ZAMSURECO II ZAMSURECO II_2021-2030_PSPP.pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao Region 12 SOCOTECO I SOCOTECO I_2021-2030_PSPP.pdf 2021-2030 Mindanao Region 10 MORESCO I MORESCO I_2021-2030_PSPP.pdf 2021-2030 Visayas Region 7 NORECO II 2021-2030_NORECO II_PSPP.pdf

DC 2024-03-0009

Declaring the Commercial Operations Date of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) and Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) in Mindanao