30 Results

Retail Pump Prices

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Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets or Gasoline Stations

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets or Gasoline Stations

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets/ Gasoline Stations

List of Liquid Fuels Retail Outlets/ Gasoline Stations with Valid Certificate of Compliance (COC) in Regions

Registered LPG Retail Outlets

Registered LPG Retail Outlets

LPG Auto LPG Prices

LPG Auto LPG Prices

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets and Gasoline Stations

Registered Liquid Fuel Retail Outlets and Gasoline Stations

Apply for Certification of Hauler

Issuance of Certification for Hauler (Retail Outlet-Own Use)


PMDD reviewed the following Reportorial Requirements: Market Operator – WESM real-time data and market results System Operator – Generator and Transmission Outages Generation Companies – Monthly Operations Report Distribution Utilities – Monthly Operations Report, Distribution Development Plan, Uniform Reportorial Requirements Retail Electricity Suppliers – Quarterly Operations Report Prepared/drafted unformed/structured templates and data definitions. Drafted Department Circular providing guidelines and adopting the enhanced Reportorial Requirements. Conducted various meetings to the internal and external stakeholders.


The DOE Electric Power Database Management System (DEPDMS) is a relational and analytical database for the effective and efficient acquisition, warehousing, and management of various data/information related to electric power industry participants, which include generation companies, distribution utilities, retail electricity suppliers, market operator and system operator. It is a combination of computer servers and software (MS SQL and Tableau) which are maintained by PMDD and ITMS.

Apply for COC - Dummy

Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (COC) for Liquid Fuels Retail Outlet (LFROs)

DC 2024-03-0009

Declaring the Commercial Operations Date of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) and Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) in Mindanao