
  1. PMDD reviewed the following Reportorial Requirements:


  1. Market Operator – WESM real-time data and market results 
  2. System Operator – Generator and Transmission Outages
  3. Generation Companies – Monthly Operations Report
  4. Distribution Utilities – Monthly Operations Report, Distribution Development Plan, Uniform Reportorial Requirements
  5. Retail Electricity Suppliers – Quarterly Operations Report


  1. Prepared/drafted unformed/structured templates and data definitions.
  2. Drafted Department Circular providing guidelines and adopting the enhanced Reportorial Requirements.
  3. Conducted various meetings to the internal and external stakeholders.



Date Stakeholders
January 11,17,22, 2019


National Electrification Administration

Energy Regulatory Commission


March 30-31, 2019

March 2,3,6, 2020

EPIMB Internal Units
June 14, 2019


Distribution Utilities (DUs)

Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES)

Generation Companies (GenCos)

June 18, 2019


National Grid Corporation of the Philippines

Philippine Electricity Market Corporation

Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines


July 24, 2019


National Grid Corporation of the Philippines


March 11, 2020

June 29, 2020





August/ September 2020


Consultative meeting for the Pilot Testing with Major Trading Participants


September 2020 to March 2021


Enhancement of Draft Circular

Enhancement of DEPDMS Web Portal

Enhancement of Data Dictionaries/ Data Templates


March to June 2021


Consultative meeting with various stakeholders for the pilot testing of DEPDMS Portal


05 May 2021


Meeting with PPDD re: clarification on the DOE Reportorial Requirements


29 June, 02, and 06 July 2021


Public Consultation on the Draft Department Circular


July to August 2021


Consolidation and deliberation of comments

for the development and finalization of the Draft Circular

09 Aug 2021


Meeting with King Energy re clarification on the DOE Reportorial Requirements

20 Aug 2021


Meeting with NEA and ERC on Finalization of Draft Dept circular

25 Aug 2021


Meeting with Aboitiz re clarification on the DOE Reportorial Requirements

06 Sept 2021


Meeting with DOE Internal Units (OARED, LS, OUEPJ) for the Finalization of Draft Dept circular

Sept to Oct 2021


Updating/ Reconfiguration of DEPDMS Web Portal

Revision/ Updating of Data Dictionaries/ Data Templates


15 Oct 2021


Discussion for the DEPDMS Web Portal Launching

09 Nov 2021


Discussion with PPDD on the DOE Reportorial Requirements

10 Nov 2021


Discussion with REAMD on the DOE Reportorial Requirements

19 Nov 2021


Clarificatory meeting with PPDD on the DOE Reportorial Requirements


Upcoming (14 Dec 2021)


DEPDMS Web Portal Launching




DEPDMS Web Portal Roll-out (Phase 1)