Qualified Third Party

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Public Notice No. PN2022-01-0001

Declaration of Qualified Third Party (QTP) Service Areas Pursuant to Section 59 of the EPIRA and Rule 14 of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (DOEQTPSA No. 2021-001-A)

NOTICE is hereby given on the areas that have been declared remote, unserved and underserved, and are referred to as "Qualified Third Party (QTP) Service Areas" open for any interested Qualified Third Party/ies for electricity service provision pursuant to Section 59 of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 otherwise known as EPIRA, Rule 14 of Its Implementing Rules and Regulations and the DOE Circular No. DC2019-11-0015 "Prescribing the Revised Guidelines for Qualified Third Parties."

Distribution Utility                                                                                    Number of Areas

Negros Occidental Electric Cooperative, Inc. (NOCECO)                                    6

Palawan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PALECO)                                                     39

Attached as PN2022-01-0001 is the detailed list of the QTP Service Areas.

All Unviable, Unserved and Underserved Areas, which are not included in the attached list, may be nominated by the QTP proponent to the DOE, subject to the latter's validation and declaration, pursuant to Section 12,4 of the Revised QTP Guidelines.

Please be guided by the DOE Department Circular No. DC2019-11-0015 on the procedures in the selection of a QTP to serve the QTP Service Areas.

Attachment (Click to view/download PDF file):



Public Notice No. PN2021-03-0001

Declaration of Qualified Third Party (QTP) Service Areas Pursuant to Section 59 of the EPIRA and Rule 14 of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (DOEQTPSA No. 2021-001)

NOTICE is hereby given on the areas that have been declared remote, unserved and underserved, and are referred tp as "Qualified Third Party (QTP) Service Areas" open for any interested Qualified Third Party/ies for electricity service provision pursuant to Section 59 of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 otherwise known as EPIRA, Rule 14 of Its Implementing Rules and Regulations and the DOE Circular No. DC2019-11-0015 "Precribing the Revised Guidelines for Qualified Third Parties."

Distribution Utility                                                                                    Number of Areas

Negros Occidental Electric Cooperative, Inc. (NOCECO)                                    6

Palawan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PALECO)                                                     63

Attached as Annex A is the detailed list of the QTP Service Areas.

All Unviable, Unserved and Underserved Areas, which are not included in the attached list, may be nominated by the QTP proponent to the DOE, subject to the latter's validation and declaration, pursuant to Section 12,4 of the Revised QTP Guidelines.

Please be guided by the DOE Department Circular No. DC2019-11-0015 on the procedures in the selection of a QTP to serve the QTP Service Areas.

Attachment (Click to view/download PDF file):

 PN2021-03-0001 PN2021-03-0001 Annex A


Qualified Third Party Advisory


To : All Concerned Distribution Utilities and Qualified Third Party Proponents

To effectively implement Department Circular No. DC2019-11-0015 entitled, "PRESCRIBING REVISED GUIDELINES FOR QUALIFIED THIRD PARTY", the Deprtment of Energy hereby issues the following guidelines pursuant with Section 5, Subsection 5.6 of the Circular:

  1. QTP Service Contract Template;
  2. QTP Eligibility Requirements; and
  3. QTP Quarterly Monitoring Report Template.

For your guidance and compliance.

Attachment (Click to view/download PDF file):

 Signed Memorandum


QTP Frequently Asked Questions

Revised Qualified Third Party Guidelines

Table of Contents

  1. What is a Qualified Third Party (QTP)?
  2. What are unviable, unserved and underserved areas?
  3. What are QTP Service Areas?
  4. What are the legal basis for QTPs?
  5. Who can participate as QTP?
  6. How to qualify as QTP?
  7. Who will conduct the Competitive Bidding for QTP?
  8. What is Competitive Bidding for QTP and how it is done?
  9. What is a QTP Service Contract?
  10. What are the responsibilities of QTPs?
  11. What will be the responsibilities of DOE, ERC, NPC, NEA, and DUs in the QTP implementation and operation?
  12. Will the QTPs receive a subsidy from the government?
  13. Does the revised guidelines also cover the pending QTP applications?
  14. Where are the existing QTPs and its current status?

Attachment (Click to view/download PDF file):

 Frequently Asked Questions


Site Map



Department Circular No. DC2019-11-0015 Prescribing Revised Guidelines for Qualified Third Party

WHEREAS, Section 2(a) of Republic Act No. 9136 or the "Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001" (EPIRA), declared the policy of the State to ensure and accelerate the total electrification of the country;

Click to view/download PDF file of DC2020-11-0015