Distribution Development Plan

2019-2028 Distribution Development Plan

Published on: 08 July 2021

Executive Summary

The 2019-2028 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) contains the one-page infographic profile of 144 out of 151 Distribution Utilities (DUs), showing the supply- demand outlook and energy requirements for the ten-year planning period. It features the Power Supply Procurement Plan, which contains the proposed schedule for the Competitive Selection Process (CSP) to be conducted by DUs to procure power supply requirements to ensure the continuous provision of electricity supply to the consumers in a least cost-manner as what was mandated by Republic Act No. 9136. For those DUs without schedule for CSP, the power supply deficit in MW shortfall for the corresponding period is indicated.

This DDP also featured the 2018 actual number of customers and energy sales per customer class. It also includes comparison using percentage difference of the 2018 projection on number of customers, peak demand, electricity purchased, energy sales and system loss based on the 2018-2027 DDP versus the 2018 actual data based on the 2019-2028 DDP.

In 2018, the DUs registered a peak demand of 13,899 MW and is projected to increase from 14,602 MW in 2019 to 21,300 MW in 2028 with an annual average growth rate (AAGR) of 4.36% for the ten-year planning horizon. Luzon DUs recorded the highest peak demand in 2018 at 10,279 MW while Mindanao and Visayas DUs reported peak demand of 1,835 MW and 1,785 MW, respectively.

For the energy requirements, the DUs procured a total of 83,573 GWh in 2018 which is estimated to rise from 88,040 GWh in 2019 to 129,815 GWh in 2028 with an AAGR of 4.50%. Likewise, the DUs has a total energy sales of 77,409 GWh in 2018 which is seen to increase to 119,231 GWh by 2028 with an AAGR of 4.42% from its 2018 level.

With regard to the number of customers, there were 19.9 million customers being served by the DUs in 2018 wherein majority at 91.97% are residential connections, commercial customers at 6.17%, industrial customers at 0.23%, and customers classified as Others accounts for the 1.62%. With an AAGR of 3.86%, customer connections is forecasted to increase from 20.1 million in 2019 to 29.0 million in 2028.

Click to view/download PDF file of 2019-2028 Distribution Development Plan


2018-2027 Distribution Development Plan

Published on: 11 March 2021

Executive Summary

The 2018-2027 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) is the 15th edition since the Department of Energy began its annual issuance of the consolidated DDP of distribution utilities (DUs). The one-page infographic profile of 142 DUs shows their supply and demand outlook and annual average growth rate of peak demand over the ten-year planning period.

It also presents the basic general information of each DUs, as well as the 2017 actual number of barangay and households served within their franchise. Also, this DDP edition provides information on the average percent share of energy sales, own-use and system loss versus the DUs total energy requirements for the actual year. Further, it also features a summary table of the 2017 actual and projections of number of customers, energy sales per customer class, electricity purchased and system loss for the period 2018-2027.

In 2017, non-coincident peak demand of these DUs was registered at 11,183.8 MW, highest in Luzon at 7,940.4 MW, while 1,737.3 MW and 1,506.1 MW in Mindanao and Visayas, respectively. For the whole country, DUs projects an annual average growth rate (AAGR) of 6.0% for the ten-year planning horizon.

In the same year, a total of 22.4 million captive customer connections were recorded by these DUs, of which 20.6 million were residential customers while 1.4 million were classified as commercial customers and the rest comprise the other customers (384,007) and industrial (52,488) customers’ category.

On the other hand, the total electricity purchased of 79,128.7 GWh in 2017 was estimated to increase from 83,396.7 GWh in 2018 to 125,705.5 GWh in 2027 with an AAGR of 4.7%. In 2017, Luzon DUs has the highest electricity purchased of 59,225.5 GWh while Mindanao and Visayas has 10,195.6 GWh and 9,707.5 GWh, respectively. With regard to the energy sales, DUs have sold a total of 69,365.1 GWh in 2017 which was broken down as follows: 30,290.8 GWh for residential, 20,649.7 GWh for commercial, 15,918.6 GWh for industrial and 2,505.9 GWh for other customers.

Click to view/download PDF file of 2018-2027 Distribution Development Plan


2017-2026 Distribution Development Plan

Published on: 16 December 2019

Executive Summary


This 14th edition contains a snapshot of the major information provided in the 2017- 2026 Distribution Development Plan submission of 144 distribution utilities (DUs). Primarily featured is the 10-year outlook on the demand and supply requirements of the DUs with breakdown of the contracted supply mix, showing the potential investment opportunities for generation companies. Also highlighted are the DUs annual average growth rate (AAGR) of peak demand over the 10-year planning horizon and the drivers of the projected load growth, as well as the five-yearplanned capital expenditure projects and financingrequirements to support these developments.

The 2017-2026 DDP also presents the actual DUs energy sales in 2016 and projections by 2026, including the corresponding percentage share per customer class namely: residential, commercial, industrial and other customer. It also shows the potential renewable energy resources in the DUs franchise area, in preparation for the Renew-able Portfolio Standards and Green Energy Option Program.

Another content of this DDP is a comparison of the estimated values for 2016 on the DUs number of customers, number of households, energy sales and system loss as submitted in their 2016-2025 DDP vis a vis the actual 2016 data as reflectedin the 2017-2026 DDP.

In 2016, the DUs registered a peak demand of 12,646 MW in 2016 and is projected to have 4.95% AAGR over the ten-year planning period with peak demand to reach 13,366 MW in 2017 to 20,503 MW in 2026. Likewise, DUs have sold a total of 61,604 GWh in 2016 and is forecasted to increase to 112,182 GWh by 2026 with an AAGR of 6.22% from its 2016 level. Breakdown of the electricity sales per sector are as follows: residential customer at 42%, commercial sector at 32%, industrial sector at 23%, and customers classifiedas Others account for 3%.

The DUs will be needing about PHP951.16 billion to implement the following infra-structure projects, including electrificationand network and non-network projects, to sustain the above projections while ensuring the reliability of the power supply: (i) 19,934 MVA additional substation capacity; (ii) 5,156 ckt-km for the expansion and rehabilitation of sub-transmission lines; and (iii) 39,944 ckt-km for the expansion and rehabilitation of distribution lines.

Click to view/download PDF file of 2017-2026 Distribution Development Plan


2016-2025 Distribution Development Plan

Executive Summary


The 2016-2025 DDP is presented in infographic showing the existing system map and distribution network of the distribution utilities (DUs) indicating its substation and corresponding substation capacities. It also include the10-year outlook on the DUs’ supply-demand requirements, basic information on their 2015 actual number of customers and energy sales for each customer type, system loss, percentage level of household energization, number of barangay in the franchise, length of distribution lines in circuit kilometer, franchise area in square kilometer and franchise population.

This DDP also featured the summary tables of the total number of metered customers, energy sales, energy purchased and peak demand. With regard to the number of customers, there were 17.7 million customers being served by the DUs in 2015. With an annual average growth rate (AAGR) of 3.87%, customer connection is seen to increase from 18.5 million in 2016 to 26.0 million in 2025. In terms of energy sales, DUs have sold a total of 56,393 GWh in 2015 which is forecasted to rise to 95,626 GWh by 2025 with an AAGR of 5.51% from its 2016 level. On the other hand, a total of 69,340 GWh was purchased by the DUs in 2015, which slightly increased to 73,103 GWh in 2016 and will continue to grow to 105,874 GWh by 2025 with an AAGR of 4.32%. For the peak demand, DUs registered a peak of 11,764 MW in 2015 which is projected to grow annually at 4.30% AAGR from 12,474 MW in 2015 to 17,914 MW in 2025.

To ensure reliability and security of electricity supply to the member-consumers, DUs are proposing the following infrastructure projects for the ten-year planning period: (i) 5,577 ckt-km for the expansion and rehabilitation of sub-transmission lines; (ii) 34,233 ckt-km for the expansion and rehabilitation of distribution lines; and (iii) 16,375 MVA additional substation capacity. All these proposed capital expenditure projects will require Php968.41 billion for implementation, including the financing requirements for electrification projects, network and non-network projects.

Click to view/download the PDF file of 2016-2025 Distribution Development Plan


2008-2017 Distribution Development Plan

Executive Summary

In the planning period 2008-2017, the Distribution Utilities (DUs) expect an increase in peak demand of 4,547 MW from 8,810 MW in 2008 to 12,956 MW in 2017, representing an average growth of 4.4% annually. Luzon is projected to have a 4.3% annual average growth rate in peak demand, from 6,535 MW in 2008 to 9,505 MW in 2017. Visayas and Mindanao will have a higher growth rate at 5.1% and 4.7%, respectively from 1,097 MW in 2008 to 1,701 MW in 2017 for Visayas, and from 1,177 MW in 2008 to 1,751 MW in 2017 for Mindanao. 

In terms of energy requirement, DUs in Luzon is projected to grow at an annual average growth rate of 4.7% over the ten-year planning period, from 38,844 GWh in 2008 to 58,433 GWh in 2017. Visayas DUs is seen to register an annual average growth rate of 5.0%, from 5,871 GWh in 2008 to 9,026 GWh in 2017, Mindanao DUs will register a 5.0% annual average growth rate, from 6,436 GWh in 2008 to 9,664 GWh in 2017.

DUs are projecting a substantial increase in the number of customers in 2017: Luzon at 11.079 million; Visayas at 3.295 million; and Mindanao at 3.051 million. These translate to an annual average growth rates of 4.5% in Luzon, 5.1% in Visayas, and 5.6 % in Mindanao in energy sales, respectively.

To meet the projected increase in energy requirements over the planning horizon, an estimated 23,929 ckt-km of lines are programmed for rehabilitation and/or upgrading, 17,448 ckt-km of lines are for construction, and an additional 7,871 MVA substation capacity will be constructed. These will have corresponding investment requirements amounting to PhP70.7 billion, broken down into: PhP21.1 billion for electrification projects, PhP30 billion for construction of new lines and additional substation capacity, and Php19.6 billion for rehabilitation of distribution lines.

View complete PDF file: Distribution Development Plan 2008-2017


2009 - 2018 Distribution Development Plan

Executive Summary

In the planning period 2009-2018, the Distribution Utilities (DUs) expect an increase in peak demand of 4,006 MW from 8,529 MW in 2009 to 12,535 MW in 2018, representing an average growth of 3.9% annually. Luzon is projected to have a 3.7% annual average growth rate in peak demand, from 6,357 MW in 2009 to 9,051 MW in 2018. Visayas and Mindanao will have a higher growth rate at 4.8% and 4.6%, respectively from 1,167 MW in 2009 to 1,735 MW in 2018 for Visayas, and from 1,214 MW in 2009 to 1,750 MW in 2018 for Mindanao. 

In terms of energy requirement, DUs in Luzon is projected to grow at an annual average growth rate of 4.0% over the ten-year planning period, from 37,884 GWh in 2009 to 55,588 GWh in 2018. Visayas DUs is seen to register an annual average growth rate of 4.5%, from 6,020 GWh in 2009 to 8,886 GWh in 2018, Mindanao DUs will register a 4.6% annual average growth rate, from 6,726 GWh in 2009 to 9,762 GWh in 2018.

DUs are projecting a substantial increase in the number of customers in 2018: Luzon at 11.366 million; Visayas at 3.622 million; and Mindanao at 3.133 million. These translate to an annual average growth rates of 4.1% in Luzon, 4.5% in Visayas, and 5.0% in Mindanao in energy sales, respectively.

To meet the projected increase in energy requirements over the planning horizon, an estimated 24,424 ckt-km of lines are programmed for rehabilitation and/or upgrading, 14,842 ckt-km of lines are for construction, and an additional 5,735 MVA substation capacity will be constructed. These will have corresponding investment requirements amounting to PhP70.9 billion, broken down into: PhP21.2 billion for electrification projects, PhP20.6 billion for construction of new lines, PhP8.0 billion for additional substation capacity, and Php21.1 billion for rehabilitation of distribution lines.

View complete PDF file: Distribution Development Plan 2009-2018


2010 - 2019 Distribution Development Plan

Executive Summary

The 2010 – 2019 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) update is the 7th publication since the passage of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA). In the planning period 2010-2019, the Distribution Utilities (DUs) expect an increase in peak demand of 4,258 MW from 8,856 MW in 2009 to 13,113 MW in 2019, representing an average growth of 4.0% annually. Luzon is projected to have a 3.9% annual average growth rate in peak demand, from 7,057 MW in 2010 to 9,553 MW in 2019. Visayas and Mindanao will have a higher growth rate at 4.5% and 4.4% respectively from 1,204 MW in 2010 to 1,737 MW in 2019 for Visayas, and from 1,250 MW in 2010 to 1,823 MW in 2019 for Mindanao.

In terms of aggregated energy requirements of DUs in Luzon, it is projected to grow at an annual average growth rate of 4.0%, equivalent to 16,023 GWh, over the ten-year planning period, from 40,504 GWh in 2010 to 56,527 GWh in 2019. Visayas DUs is seen to register an annual average growth rate of 4.7% or 3,132 GWh, from 6,354 GWh in 2010 to 9,486 GWh in 2019, Mindanao DUs will register a 4.4% annual average growth rate or 3,114 GWh, from 7,019 GWh in 2010 to 10,133 GWh in 2019.

Likewise, the DUs are projecting a substantial increase in the number of customers by 2019:Luzon at 12.122 million; Visayas at 3.593 million; and Mindanao at 3.267 million. These translate to an annual average growth rate of 3.01% in Luzon, 4.09% in Visayas, and 4.02% in Mindanao energy sales, respectively. Increase of number of DU’s customer is particular to the increase by 5,001,088 residential customers of the expected 5,362,752 DU customers over the planning period. Overall, from total of 13,619,247 customers in 2009, DUs are projecting a total of 18,979,999 customers by 2019.

To meet the projected increase in energy requirements over the planning horizon, an estimated 26,565 ckt-km of lines are programmed for rehabilitation and/or upgrading, 17,630 ckt-km of lines are for construction, and an additional 5,232 MVA substation capacity will be constructed. These will have corresponding investment requirements amounting to PhP 68.1 billion, broken down into: PhP 18.4 billion for electrification projects, PhP 17.2 billion for construction new lines, PhP 11.1 billion for additional substation capacity, and PhP 21.3 billion for rehabilitation of distribution lines.

View complete PDF file: Distribution Development Plan 2010–2019