3rd Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP)


Advisory: 3rd Open Competitive Selection Process (OCSP3)

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Supplemental OCSP Bulletin 2

Energy Center, Rizal Drive, cor. 34th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City


The provisions of Department Circular No. DC2020-11-024 or the OCSP3 Guidelines are hereby amended as follows:

Additional information:

Annex B. Checklist of Requirements. –

  • We require that the applicant submit the corporate documents of all Filipino stockholders, (1) to provide standard requirements, without the need to restate case law, and the tests utilized to determine compliance with the rules on foreign participation in nationalized industries, and (2) to avoid any and all issues that may arise during the opening of bids and the subsequent evaluation.
  • Regarding the requirement of consularization / apostilization of the curriculum vitae of foreign consultants and contracts signed outside the Philippines (technical qualifications): In view of the closure or suspension of services of foreign embassies/consular offices abroad due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the applicant may submit:

a. A sworn affidavit executed by the authorized representative attesting to such fact;

b. Proof of closure or suspension of service of such foreign embassy/consular office; and

c. Curriculum vitae and contracts.

We have taken note of the Consolidated Comments and Inquiries posted as of August 27, 2020. We wish to state, however, that these shall in no way affect or change the contents of the OCSP3 Guidelines and its subsequent supplemental bid bulletins.

Clarification on the Pre-determined Areas for Hydropower Resources

1. The capacity of Area 17 -Balintingon Hydroelectric Power Project is 52 MW based on the updated feasibility study submitted to the DOE.

Click to view/download attachment:

 2nd supplemental oscp3 bulletin.pdf


Supplemental OCSP Bulletin

Energy Center, Rizal Drive, cor. 34th Street,
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City


The provisions of Department Circular No. DC2020-11-024 or the OCSP3 Guidelines are hereby amended as follows:

3. RE Contract Application -

3.1.3. The RE Application must be in both paper and electronic (flash drive in Portable Data Format) copies, which shall use the Times New Roman font, 12-point size, and employ single line spacing. Paper size is A4. Figures and maps shall be printed and submitted in a document that is formatted to a paper size not smaller than A3 size. For legibility, figures and maps shall be submitted at a larger scale (1:10,000) as appendices;

3.1.5. Only those Applicants who have duly complied with the following requirements and paid the application fee shall be given access to the available data of the project being applied for:

a) Applicant shall send the Letter of Intent (LOI) via email to the following e-mail address:

b) After submission of the LOI, the Applicant shall receive the following documents:

  • Order of payment for application fee;
  • Pre-approved data request form; and
  • Transmittal/Data Use Agreement

Note: The processing of data request for the Applicant’s chosen PDA shall only commence upon receipt of proof of payment and properly filled-up and signed documents.

c) Applicant shall send the duly signed and filled-up documents, along with the proof of payment*, to the Energy Data Center of the Philippines (EDCP) via email to edcp@doe.gov.ph. The following
documents are required by EDCP:

  • Validated payment transaction
  • Signed data request form; and
  • Signed transmittal/Data Use Agreement.

*send a copy to payments.doetreasury@gmail.com

d) EDCP shall send a download link to the Applicant with the following contents:

  • Technical data;
  • Technical description of PDAs; and
  • Copy of OCSP3 Guidelines.

4. Filing Process

4.8. Records Management Division (RMD) will receive Applications during office hours (0800 – 1700H).

4.9. Representatives of RMD and REMB will affix their signatures on the envelope/container holding the Application upon receipt of the same.

4.10. If the Application is filed personally by an Applicant, they may opt to physically accompany the RMD and REMB personnel until their Application is placed in the area designated as storage for OCSP3 applications. By choosing this manner of filing their Application, the Applicant agrees to be subjected to the Department’s COVID-19 health protocols.

6. Opening, Evaluation, Selection, and Award of RE Applications.

6.1. The Department shall stop receiving Applications at exactly 1200H on the last day of the submission of RE Applications. At exactly 1300H, the Department shall start the opening of Applications. The RE Applicants or their duly authorized representatives are encouraged to attend the opening of Applications.

The REMB shall open the Applications in public to determine each Applicant’s compliance with the documentary requirements. For this purpose, RE Applications containing Envelopes A, B, and C shall be opened simultaneously and the REMB shall only determine the completeness of the documents submitted by each Applicant against the checklist of required documents (Annex “B”). Only complete Applications shall be allowed to undergo legal, technical and financial evaluation.

Annex B. Checklist of Requirements.

  • Applicants should submit the most recent/latest SEC documents with Certified True Copy (CTC) stamp. To illustrate, if the applicant already has a 2021 GIS, the CTC submitted should be dated in the year 2021 already.
  • Financial Statements submitted within the six (6) months period at the time of filing will be considered as the latest.
  • An applicant that is a domestic Filipino corporation with allegedly Filipino corporate shareholders must submit the legal documents of such corporate shareholders;
  • An applicant that is a domestic Filipino corporation with foreign corporate shareholders need not submit the legal documents of such foreign corporate shareholders;
  • An applicant that is a foreign corporation incorporated abroad, the applicant must submit its legal documents which must be consularized/apostilled.
  • Curriculum Vitae and contracts of foreign contracts signed outside the Philippines must be consularized/apostilled.

Annex H. Timeline.

Activity Timeline Date
1. Publication of OCSP3 Day 1 14 Dec. 2020
2. Launching and Presubmission
Day 1 + 20 Calendar days 05 Jan. 2021
3. Last day of submission of
bid documents
Day 1 + 60 calendar days, on or before
1200H to be submitted at the DOE
Records Section
15 Feb. 2021
4. Opening of bid documents Day 1 + 60 calendar days, at exactly
15 Feb. 2021
5. Complete legal, technical
and financial evaluation
Day 61 + 10 working days 02 Mar. 2021
6. Endorsement of results for
Concurrence of ASec and
Day 71 + 5 working days 09 Mar. 2021
7. Approval by the Secretary
of the results of OCSP3
Day 76 + 5 working days 16 Mar. 2021
8. Pre-signing of RE Contract
and endorsement to the
Day 81 + 18 working days 14 Apr. 2021
9. Signature of the Secretary
/ Awarding of RE Contract
Day 99 14 Apr. 2021

For FTAA Applications, activities 1 – 8 are the same.

Activity Timeline Date
10. Endorsement of the
Secretary to the Office of
the President
Day 99 + 3 working days 19 Apr. 2021

Click to download PDF file of Supplemental OCSP3 Bulletin


Timeline for OCSP3

Timeline for OCSP3 and Awarding of Service Contracts

Activity Timeline Date
1. Publication of OCSP3 Day 1 14 December 2020
2. Launching and Pre-submission conference Day 1 + 20 Calendar days 05 January 2021
3. Last day of submission of bid documents Day 1 + 60 calendar days, on or before 1200H to be submitted at the DOE Records Section 15 February 2021
4. Opening of bid documents Day 1 + 60 calendar days, at exactly 1300H 15 February 2021
5. Complete legal, technical and financial evaluation Day 61 + 10 working days 02 March 2021
6. Endorsement of results for Concurrence of ASec and USec Day 71 + 5 working days 09 March 2021
7. Approval by the Secretary of the results of OCSP3 Day 76 + 5 working days 16 March 2021
8. Pre-signing of RE Contract and endorsement to the Secretary Day 81 + 19 working days 14 April 2021
9. Signature of the Secretary / Awarding of RE Contract Day 99 14 April 2021

For FTAA Applications, activities 1-8 are the same.

Activity Timeline Date
10.Endorsement of the Secretary to the Office of the President Day 99 + 3 working days 19 April 2021


Department Circular No. DC2020-11-0024 Adopting the Guidelines Governing the 3rd Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP3) in the Award of Renewable Energy Service Contract, and for Other Purposes

WHEREAS, Article XII, Section 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides that all forces of potential energy and other natural resources within the Philippine territory belong to the State, thus the exploration, development and utilization shall be under the full control and supervision of the State.

Published on two (2) newspaper : The Daily Tribune and Business World on th 14th and 21st of December 2020.

Click to view/download Department Circular No. DC2020-11-0024 | Guidelines Governing the OCSP3 in the Award of RE Service Contracts


3rd Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP3) Consolidated Comments and Inquiries

Consolidated Comments and Inquiries on the Virtual Public Consultation on Adopting the Guidelines Governing the 3rd Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP3) in the Award of Renewable Energy Service Contract and for other Purposes

Click to view PDF file of Consolidated Comments and Inquiries