Plans & Programs

Plans & Programs


A. Supply Base Development

Promote Domestic Exploration & Development

The DOE continuously support and promote the exploration & development of natural gas in the country. Likewise, “on-site” or small scale power generation using marginal gas fields will be promoted.

Import Options

Natural gas import is needed to augment the projected demand beyond the 400 MMSCFD production from the Malampaya gasfield. To ensure a secure and stable supply, the DOE shall promote the balance development of LNG importation in parallel with the exploration of indigenous gas reserves.

LNG importation could take place even earlier than 2013. DOE granted a permit to construct a LNG Import Terminal to Energy World Corporation Ltd (EWCL) which is located in Pagbilao, Quezon. EWCL is now conducting on site earth moving works.

B. Infrastructure Development Program

The DOE with Technical Assistance by JICA spearheads the review and update of the Master Plan Study for the Development of Natural Gas Industry to include an evaluation of the natural gas infrastructure requirement in the Visayas and Mindanao.

The concluded Master Plan update designs the strategy which specifically maps out the development pathway of the priority pipeline project from Batangas - Manila (BatMan1). The government through Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) is expected to bid out the EPC and O & M of the proposed Batangas-Manila transmission pipeline based on the designed implementation strategy of the project.

The DOE with technical assistance from The World Bank (WB) conducted feasibility study for a possible LNG location in Mindanao and the result of the study was incorporated to the JICA Master Plan Study Update.

To provide the CNG supply requirement of the 200 CNG buses under the pilot phase implementation of NGVPPT, the DOE directed PNOC-EC to take over the operation of the CNG Refueling Station located in Mamplasan, Laguna currently operated by PSPC. Likewise, PNOC-EC will also put up the second Daughter Refilling Station to be located in Batangas City.

C. Market Development

The DOE will put in place mechanism to respond to the growing demand for natural gas in the country in the immediate term. Likewise, the DOE conducts an evaluation and market research in the techno-economic aspect of related technologies for possible fuel shift to natural gas as well as conduct profiling of potential gas markets. The following are the identified potential market for natural gas:

Power Sector (2010-2030)

·   Luzon – 11,900 MW

·   Visayas – 2,150 MW

·   Mindanao – 2,500 MW

·   Conversion – 1,200 MW

Transport Sector

·   1,000 units of CNG Vehicles by 2015 in Luzon

·   10,000 units of CNG Vehicles by 2030 nationwide


·   Hundreds of international locators of mixed industries in Special Economic Zones

Buildings (Commercial & Residential)

·   Potential connectors and convertors