Coal Reserves

as af 31 December 2020
Coal Region 1 Resource Potential
2 Positive  Reserves
2 Probable Reserves
2 In-situ Reserves
2 Mineable Reserves
³Cagayan Valley 336,000.000 80,104,730 3,695,000 82,568,063 70,182,854  
Cebu 165,000,000 10,885,247 8,561,176 16,592,697 9,955,618  
Davao 100,000,000 1,794,639 2,377,806 3,379,843 2,027,906  
Masbate 2,500,000 74,994   74,994 44,996  
Mindoro 100,000,000 1,310,641 198,000 1,442,641 865,585  
Nearos 4,500,000 1,555,034 1,213,387 2,363,959 1,418,375  
Polillo. Batan & Catanduanes 17,000,000 5,421,674 2,428,873 7,040,923 4,224,554  
Quezon 2,000,000 93,000   93,000 55,800  
Samar 27,000,000 7,474,890 1,667,725 8,586,707 7,278,807  
⁴Semirara 550,000,000 116,317,443 29,844,056   171,569,240  
Suripo 209,000,000 29,899,154 63,452,534 72,200,844 49,149,681  
Zamboanga 45,000,000 34,176,082 6,553,241 38,544,909 23,126,946  
Bukidnon 50,000,000          
Maguindanao 108,000,000          
Sarangani 120,000,000          
South Cotabato 230,400,000 35 319,705 69,492,977 81,648,356 69,401,103  
Sultan Kudarat 300,300,000          
Total 2,366,700,000 324,427,233 189,484,775 314,536,936 409,301,464  
  1. Resource potential for Coal Regions (except Bukidnon, Maguindanao, Sarangani, South Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat) are based onRobertson Research International Ltd., 1977 evaluation
  2. Positive, Probable, In-situ and Mineable Reservesfor Coal Regions (except Cagayan & Semirara) are based on the verified reserves in Coal Operating Contract (COC) areas and Small Scale Coal Mining Permit (SSCM) applied areas, using DOE standard computatlon; including the submitted report on production of COCs & SSCMPs
  3. Total Reserves for Cagayan are based on COCs and R-P German computation
  4. Total Reserves for Semirara are based on Semirara Mining and Power Corporation's computation in Molave, Narra & Himalian Mine in COC No. 5